The Sorbian language is a Slavic language spoken by a minority population in Germany. There are two main dialects of the Sorbian language: Upper Sorbian and Lower Sorbian. The Sorbian language has a rich history and culture, and it is recognized as an official minority language in Germany.
Several popular musical artists use the Sorbian language in their music. One of the most well-known artists is the Sorbian folk group "Dźěći" (Children). Their music features traditional Sorbian folk songs and instruments, and they have gained popularity both within the Sorbian community and beyond. Another popular Sorbian music artist is Jurij Koch, who is known for his contemporary Sorbian pop music. His music often features Sorbian lyrics and draws inspiration from Sorbian culture.
There are several radio stations in Germany that broadcast in Sorbian. One of the most popular is "Radio Serbske Ludowe", which broadcasts in both Upper Sorbian and Lower Sorbian dialects. The station features a variety of programming, including news, music, and cultural events. Another popular Sorbian radio station is "Radio Praha", which broadcasts in both Sorbian and Czech. The station features news, music, and cultural programming from both the Czech Republic and Sorbia.
In conclusion, the Sorbian language and culture are important parts of Germany's linguistic and cultural diversity. The popularity of Sorbian music artists and radio stations highlights the ongoing efforts to preserve and promote the Sorbian language and its rich cultural heritage.