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  4. hip hop

Hip hop music on the radio in Hong Kong

Hip hop music has gained immense popularity in Hong Kong over the years. The genre, which originated in the United States, has been adopted by local artists and fans alike, with a unique Hong Kong twist.

One of the most popular hip hop artists in Hong Kong is MC Yan, who pioneered the local hip hop scene in the 1990s. He formed the group LMF (Lazy Mutha Fucka) which became a sensation among the youth. Another popular artist is Dough-Boy, who gained fame after his song "999" went viral on social media platforms. His music is known for addressing social issues in Hong Kong, such as the Umbrella Movement and police brutality.

Radio stations such as 881903 and Metro Radio have dedicated programs that play hip hop music, with DJs such as DJ Tommy and DJ Yipster spinning the latest tracks. The annual Hong Kong International Hip Hop Festival, which showcases local and international artists, has also become a major event in the city's cultural calendar.

The hip hop genre in Hong Kong has not been without its challenges, however. Some artists have faced censorship and criticism for their explicit lyrics and use of profanity. Nonetheless, hip hop music continues to thrive in Hong Kong, with a growing number of artists and fans joining the scene.