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  2. Hong Kong
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  4. electronic

Electronic music on the radio in Hong Kong

Hong Kong has a thriving electronic music scene, with a variety of genres ranging from techno and house to experimental and ambient. Some of the most popular electronic music artists in Hong Kong include Choi Sai Ho, Sulumi, and Blood Wine or Honey. Choi Sai Ho is known for his atmospheric techno and ambient music, while Sulumi is a pioneer in the Hong Kong electronic music scene with his signature blend of chiptune, glitch, and IDM. Blood Wine or Honey fuses electronic music with live instrumentation, creating a unique and eclectic sound.

There are several radio stations in Hong Kong that play electronic music, including Radio 2, which features a daily program called "Electronic Horizon" that showcases the latest tracks from local and international electronic music producers. RTHK Radio 3's "Uncle Ray's Underground" program is another popular show that explores the underground electronic music scene in Hong Kong and beyond.

Apart from radio stations, there are many clubs and venues in Hong Kong that cater to electronic music fans. Volar, XXX, and Social Room are some of the most popular venues that feature local and international DJs playing a wide range of electronic music genres. In addition, Hong Kong also hosts several electronic music festivals throughout the year, including Sonar Hong Kong, Clockenflap, and Shi Fu Miz.