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  2. Hong Kong
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  4. jazz

Jazz music on the radio in Hong Kong

Jazz music has a rich and vibrant history in Hong Kong, with a thriving community of musicians, venues, and radio stations dedicated to the genre. Over the years, jazz has become an integral part of the city's cultural landscape, attracting both local and international audiences.

Hong Kong has produced a number of talented jazz musicians who have gained recognition both locally and abroad. One such artist is Eugene Pao, a renowned guitarist who has collaborated with artists such as Michael Brecker and Randy Brecker. Another notable jazz musician from Hong Kong is Ted Lo, a pianist and composer who has worked with jazz legends such as Joe Henderson and Joe Lovano.

In addition to these local talents, many international jazz artists have performed in Hong Kong over the years. Some of the most popular jazz musicians who have performed in the city include Herbie Hancock, Chick Corea, and Pat Metheny.

Hong Kong has several radio stations dedicated to playing jazz music. One of the most popular stations is RTHK Radio 4, which features a range of jazz programs and hosts interviews with local and international jazz musicians. Another popular station is Jazz FM91, which broadcasts jazz music from around the world and provides listeners with in-depth analysis of the genre.

Overall, jazz music has a strong presence in Hong Kong, with a dedicated community of musicians and fans who continue to support the genre. Whether you're a seasoned jazz enthusiast or a newcomer to the genre, Hong Kong has plenty to offer for lovers of this timeless music style.