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Country music on the radio in France

Country music may be associated with the American South, but it has found a vibrant community in France as well. The genre has a dedicated following in the country, with several radio stations playing country music round the clock.

One of the most popular country music artists in France is Kendji Girac. Although he is known for his pop music, he has also released several country-inspired tracks, such as "Pour Oublier" and "Les Yeux de la Mama". Another popular artist in the genre is Nolwenn Leroy, who has released several albums heavily influenced by country and folk music.

In addition to these artists, there are several other French country music acts that have gained a following over the years. These include the group Texas Sidestep and solo artist Pauline Croze.

As for radio stations, there are several that play country music exclusively. One of the most popular is Radio Néo, which plays a mix of country, folk, and Americana. Another notable station is Radio Coteaux, which broadcasts from the south-western region of France and plays a mix of country and blues music.

Overall, the country music scene in France is thriving, with a dedicated fanbase and several talented artists making waves in the genre.