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Alternative music on the radio in Czechia

Alternative music has been growing in popularity in Czechia over the years. This genre of music encompasses a wide range of styles and sub-genres, including indie rock, punk, post-punk, and new wave. Czechia has a vibrant alternative music scene with numerous talented artists and bands. In this article, we will explore some of the most popular alternative artists in the country and radio stations that play this genre of music.

One of the most popular alternative bands in Czechia is The Plastic People of the Universe. This band was formed in 1968 and is considered to be one of the pioneers of the country's alternative music scene. They combine elements of rock, jazz, and avant-garde to create a unique sound that has won them a loyal following.

Another popular alternative band in Czechia is Tata Bojs. This band was formed in 1988 and has released several critically acclaimed albums over the years. They are known for their energetic live performances and their ability to blend different musical styles seamlessly.

Other notable alternative artists in Czechia include The Ecstasy of Saint Theresa, Květy, and Please the Trees. These artists have gained popularity not only in Czechia but also internationally.

There are several radio stations in Czechia that play alternative music. One of the most popular stations is Radio Wave. This station is run by the Czech Radio and is dedicated to playing alternative music, including indie, electronic, and experimental.

Another popular radio station that plays alternative music is Radio 1. This station is also run by the Czech Radio and plays a mix of alternative and mainstream music. However, their alternative music programming is particularly popular among listeners.

There are also several online radio stations that play alternative music in Czechia. Some of these include Radio Punctum, Radio 1 Extra, and Radio Petrov.

In conclusion, alternative music has a strong foothold in Czechia, and there are plenty of talented artists and bands to discover. From The Plastic People of the Universe to Tata Bojs, the country's alternative music scene has something for everyone. And with radio stations like Radio Wave and Radio 1, fans of the genre can tune in to their favorite music anytime, anywhere.