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Radio stations in Chimborazo province, Ecuador

Chimborazo Province is situated in central Ecuador and is known for its diverse natural landscapes, including the Chimborazo Volcano, the highest peak in Ecuador. The province has a rich cultural heritage, with numerous indigenous communities and historical sites.

When it comes to radio stations, Chimborazo Province has a variety of options. One of the most popular radio stations in the area is Radio Íntag, which broadcasts a mix of music, news, and educational programs. Another popular station is Radio Caribe, which focuses on local news and events.

In addition to these stations, there are several other popular radio programs in Chimborazo Province. "Voces de mi Tierra" is a show that highlights local culture and traditions, featuring interviews with community members and musicians. "La Voz del Chimborazo" is another popular program that covers local news and events, as well as national and international news.

Overall, Chimborazo Province offers a diverse range of radio options, catering to a variety of interests and tastes. Whether you're looking for music, news, or cultural programming, there's sure to be a radio station or program that will meet your needs.