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Alternative music on the radio in Thailand

Alternative music has been steadily gaining popularity in Thailand over the years. Although Western music was initially the go-to for most people, the introduction of home-grown artists has led to a more widespread appreciation of the genre. The likes of Potato, Modern Dog, and Silly Fools, are some of the most popular alternative bands in Thailand. These bands produce music that is heavily centered around rock and grunge, often addressing social and political issues that resonate with the youth of the country. There are many radio stations in Thailand that cater to alternative music, with the most prominent ones being Virgin Hitz and Fat Radio. These stations play a mix of indie, alternative rock, and alternative pop music, and are popular with younger audiences. The alternative genre in Thailand isn't just limited to traditional instruments, but also incorporates electronic and experimental sounds. This has led to the emergence of a new generation of alternative artists such as Apartment Khun Pa, Summer Dress, and Pianoman. These artists are pushing the boundaries of the genre and creating a unique sound that is unlike anything else in Thailand. Overall, the alternative genre in Thailand is thriving, with more and more artists and fans embracing it each year. With the rise of social media, these artists are now able to reach a wider audience and showcase their talent to the world. It's an exciting time for music in Thailand, and the future looks bright for the alternative genre.