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  2. Czechia
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  4. rock

Rock music on the radio in Czechia

The rock genre of music in Czechia has a rich and diverse history dating back to the 1960s. One of the most popular subgenres in Czech rock music is the underground rock scene, which emerged in the 1970s and 1980s as a form of protest against the communist regime. Some of the most popular rock bands from this era include Plastic People of the Universe, The Primitives Group, and The Plastic People. The Velvet Revolution of 1989 brought about significant changes to the country, including a revival of the rock music scene.

In the 1990s, Czech rock music saw an explosion in popularity, with many bands gaining international recognition. Some of the most popular Czech rock bands of the 1990s and early 2000s include Chinaski, Lucie, Kabát, and Kryštof. These bands blend elements of classic rock, pop, and punk rock, creating a unique sound that appeals to a broad audience.

Radio stations in Czechia that play rock music include Radio Beat, Radio City, and Radio Impuls. These stations play a variety of rock subgenres, from classic rock to alternative and indie rock. They also often feature interviews with local and international rock musicians and provide listeners with information about upcoming concerts and events. Additionally, Czechia hosts several music festivals throughout the year that feature both local and international rock acts, including the Rock for People festival and the Metronome festival.