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Folk music on the radio in Armenia

Armenian folk music is a rich tradition that dates back to ancient times. It is characterized by a unique blend of Eastern and Western influences and is often played with traditional instruments such as the duduk, zurna, and tar. Some of the most popular Armenian folk artists include Djivan Gasparyan, Arto Tunçboyaciyan, and Komitas Vardapet.

Djivan Gasparyan is one of the most famous Armenian musicians, known for his mastery of the duduk, a traditional Armenian wind instrument. He has collaborated with many well-known Western musicians, including Peter Gabriel and Michael Brook, and has performed all over the world.

Arto Tunçboyaciyan is another Armenian folk musician who has gained international recognition. He is known for his unique fusion of Armenian and jazz music, and has collaborated with musicians such as Al Di Meola and Chet Baker.

Komitas Vardapet, also known as Soghomon Soghomonian, was an Armenian priest and musician who lived in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He is considered the founder of modern Armenian classical music and is known for his arrangements of traditional Armenian folk songs.

There are several radio stations in Armenia that play traditional Armenian folk music. Radio Armenia and Radio Van are two of the most popular stations, both of which feature a mix of traditional and modern Armenian music. The Armenian National Radio also features a daily program dedicated to traditional Armenian folk music, providing a platform for both established and up-and-coming Armenian folk artists to showcase their work.