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Radio stations in Mato Grosso state, Brazil

Mato Grosso is a state located in the central-western region of Brazil. It covers a vast area of more than 900,000 square kilometers and is the third-largest state in the country. Mato Grosso is known for its natural beauty, including the Pantanal, the world's largest wetland, and the Amazon rainforest. The state's economy is based on agriculture, mining, and livestock.

Radio is one of the most popular forms of media in Mato Grosso. The state has a diverse range of radio stations, catering to different interests and communities. Here are some of the most popular radio stations in Mato Grosso:

- Radio Capital FM: This is a popular station that plays a mix of music, news, and sports. It is based in Cuiabá, the state capital, and has a large following across the state.
- Radio Nativa FM: This station plays a mix of Brazilian pop and country music. It is based in Rondonópolis, a city in southern Mato Grosso, and is popular among young people.
- Radio Vida FM: This is a Christian radio station that broadcasts religious programs and music. It is based in Cuiabá and has a large following among the state's Christian community.

In addition to radio stations, Mato Grosso has a variety of popular radio programs. These programs cover a wide range of topics, from news and politics to entertainment and sports. Here are some of the most popular radio programs in Mato Grosso:

- Balanço Geral MT: This is a news program that covers local and national news. It is broadcast on TV, radio, and online and is popular across the state.
- Chamada Geral: This is a political talk show that discusses current events and issues in Mato Grosso. It is broadcast on Radio Capital FM and is popular among those interested in politics.
- Fala Serio: This is a sports talk show that covers football and other sports. It is broadcast on Radio Vida FM and is popular among sports fans across the state.

Overall, Mato Grosso is a diverse state with a rich culture and a strong media presence. Its radio stations and programs reflect this diversity and offer something for everyone.