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  2. Venezuela
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  4. folk

Folk music on the radio in Venezuela

Folk music in Venezuela is strongly connected to the country's cultural heritage and has evolved over the years to a diverse range of sub-genres. This genre is popular among the people of Venezuela, and it is called ‘Música Folklórica’ in Spanish. One of the most popular sub-genres of folk music in Venezuela is ‘joropo,’ which has roots in the countryside and is characterized by a fast-paced rhythm, lively dancing, and the use of traditional instruments like the cuatro, maracas, and harp. Some renowned joropo artists include Aquiles Machado, Soledad Bravo, and Simón Díaz. Another sub-genre is ‘gaita,’ which is mostly associated with Christmas and is characterized by its repetitive rhythm, use of the drums, and the use of lyrics that discuss social, political, and cultural issues. Gaita has produced legendary artists like Ricardo Aguirre, Aldemaro Romero, and Gran Coquivacoa. There are several radio stations in Venezuela that play folk music regularly. Among these, ‘La Voz de la Navidad’ is a popular radio station that airs gaita music around the clock, especially during the Christmas season. Other notable radio stations include ‘Radio Nacional FM’ and ‘Radio Comunitaria La Voz del Pueblo.’ Venezuela's folk music has a unique identity and can be traced back to the country's diverse roots. With the popularity of genres like joropo and gaita, this genre continues to thrive and evolve in the country's musical landscape, taking the culture of Venezuela to the world stage.