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  4. rap

Rap music on the radio in Tunisia

Rap music has become increasingly popular in Tunisia in recent years, particularly among the country's youth. This music genre, which originated in the United States, has spread across the globe, and Tunisia is an active participant in the movement. Some of the most popular Tunisian rappers include Balti, Klay BBJ, and Weld El 15. Balti is known for his socially conscious lyrics and for addressing important issues such as poverty and political repression. Klay BBJ, on the other hand, has been in the scene for over a decade and is well-known for his aggressive, upfront flow. Weld El 15, who was initially banned from performing in Tunisia for his political content, has also made a name for himself with his hard-hitting tunes and confrontational lyrics. In terms of radio stations, many Tunisian stations play rap music regularly. One such station is Mosaique FM, which is one of the most popular radio stations in the country, and has also featured several of the country's most popular rappers on their programs. Radio ifm, Jawhara FM, and Shems FM are some other stations that feature rap and other forms of contemporary music. Despite some initial resistance to the genre from more conservative sections of society, rap music has flourished in Tunisia and has become an important platform for young people to express themselves and address issues that affect their communities. The rappers themselves have become extremely popular figures and have helped to create a thriving cultural scene in the country that embraces diversity and creativity.