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Alternative music on the radio in South Africa

The alternative music scene in South Africa has grown in popularity over the past decade, with a number of talented artists emerging from the country's bustling metropolises. One of the most popular alternative bands is Shortstraw, whose music offers a unique blend of indie pop and rock. Their catchy melodies and upbeat lyrics have made them a hit with music fans of all ages in South Africa and beyond. Another notable act is The Plastics, who started making waves in the local music scene in the early 2010s with their energetic live performances and catchy dance-pop tunes. Their music draws inspiration from a range of genres, including new wave, post-punk, and synth-pop. Radio stations such as 5FM and Kaya FM have helped to bring alternative music to a wider audience in South Africa. These stations frequently feature playlists that blend genres and showcase the work of both established and up-and-coming artists. In addition to these larger stations, there are a number of smaller independent stations that cater specifically to the alternative music scene. These include stations like Assembly Radio and Bush Radio, which offer a platform for emerging artists to showcase their work and for fans to discover new music. Overall, the alternative music scene in South Africa is thriving, with talented musicians and enthusiastic fans making it an exciting time for the genre in the country.