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Jazz music on the radio in Somalia

Jazz music has been a part of Somalia's musical landscape for many years, and it continues to be a popular genre in the country. While Somali jazz musicians are not as well-known internationally as some of their peers in other countries, there are still many talented artists in Somalia who have made significant contributions to the genre. One of the most popular Somali jazz artists is Abdi Sinimo. He is a pianist, composer, and arranger who has been active in the Somali music scene since the 1960s. Sinimo's music is a fusion of jazz, funk, and traditional Somali rhythms, and he has released several albums over the years. Other notable Somali jazz artists include Abdillahi Qarshe, who is considered one of the pioneers of Somali jazz, and Farah Ali Jama, a saxophonist and composer who has performed with many notable jazz musicians. In Somalia, there are several radio stations that play jazz music. One of the most popular is Radio Daljir, which is based in the city of Galkayo. The station plays a mix of jazz and other genres, and it is known for its wide range of music programming. Another popular station that plays jazz music is Radio Kismayo, which is based in the southern coastal city of Kismayo. Overall, jazz music continues to have a strong presence in Somalia's music scene, and there are many talented artists who are keeping the genre alive. Whether you're a jazz aficionado or simply a casual listener, there is plenty of great Somali jazz music to discover.