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  4. funk

Funk music on the radio in Serbia

Funk music became increasingly popular in Serbia in the 60s and 70s. It was a blend of American funk and traditional Serbian folk music. One of the most popular bands was Korni grupa, which had a unique sound and style that attracted a wide range of fans. In the 80s, the funk scene began to decline, but it resurged in the 90s with the emergence of new bands, such as Eyesburn and Orthodox Celts. These bands brought new energy to the genre and introduced it to younger audiences. Today, funk music continues to be popular in Serbia, with many radio stations dedicated to playing the most popular songs. One of the most popular stations is Radio Nova, which plays a mix of funk, soul, and jazz music. Another popular station is Radio 202, which features funk as one of its many genres. Some of the most successful funk musicians in Serbia include Rambo Amadeus, who infuses funk music with elements of comedy and satire, and the band Disciplina kičme, which has developed a unique blend of funk, punk, and rock music. Overall, funk music in Serbia has a rich history and continues to thrive today. With its mix of traditional Serbian folk elements and American funk influences, there's always something fresh and exciting happening in the local music scene.