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  2. Serbia
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  4. folk

Folk music on the radio in Serbia

Folk music in Serbia is a rich and vibrant tradition that dates back centuries. The genre is known for its soulful melodies, energetic rhythms, and powerful vocals. Serbian folk music typically features traditional instruments such as the accordion, tamburica, and violin, and is often accompanied by group singing and lively dancing. Some of the most popular folk artists in Serbia include Ceca, Ana Bekuta, and Saban Saulic. Ceca, whose real name is Svetlana Ražnatović, is one of the most successful and enduring performers in the genre. Ana Bekuta is renowned for her emotive and passionate singing style, and her ability to infuse traditional music with contemporary elements. Saban Saulic was a legendary performer who was beloved by audiences for his deeply moving ballads and heartfelt performances. There are several radio stations in Serbia that specialize in playing folk music. One of the most popular is Radio S, which broadcasts from Belgrade and has a large following across the country. Other notable stations include Radio Stari Grad, which focuses on traditional Serbian music, and Radio Narodni, which plays a range of folk and pop music. Folk music continues to be an important cultural touchstone in Serbia, and its popularity shows no signs of waning. With its passionate performers and emotionally resonant music, it remains a beloved and essential part of the country's music scene.