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Country music on the radio in Romania

Romania has long had a love affair with country music, despite the fact that it is not a traditional genre of music in the country. The Romanian interpretation of country music borrows heavily from its American roots, with a focus on storytelling and a good twang. The prevalence of country music in Romania can be attributed to the country's history of embracing Western culture, as well as the global appeal of country as a genre. One of the most popular artists in the Romanian country scene is Mircea Baniciu, who has been performing since the 1970s. Baniciu's music is a fusion of American country and Romanian folk music, which he describes as "country with a Transylvanian heart." Other notable Romanian country artists include Nicu Alifantis, Florin Bogardo, and Vali Boghean. While country music may not be as widely played on the radio as other genres in Romania, there are still several radio stations dedicated to the genre. One of the most popular is Radio România Muzical, which features a weekly program called "Nashville Nights" that showcases the latest in country music from the United States and Romania. Additionally, stations like ProFM Country and Radio ZU Country offer round-the-clock country music programming. Overall, country music in Romania has carved out a unique niche in the country's music scene, combining American influences with traditional Romanian elements. With the continued popularity of the genre, it is likely that country music will continue to thrive in Romania for years to come.