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  2. Nicaragua
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  4. classical

Classical music on the radio in Nicaragua

Classical music in Nicaragua has a rich history, dating back to the colonial era when Spanish religious music was brought over by missionaries. The genre has continued to thrive in the country, with a number of popular artists striving to preserve this tradition. One of the most renowned Nicaraguan classical performers is pianist and composer Carlos Mejía Godoy. He is known for his popular songs celebrating the country's revolution, and for his integration of traditional Nicaraguan folk music into classical compositions. Another notable classical artist is guitarist Manuel de Jesús Ábrego, who has collaborated with Mejía Godoy and other musicians to bring Nicaraguan folk music to international audiences. In terms of radio stations, classical music is often featured on stations with a more general focus on cultural programming, such as Radio Nicaragua Cultural and Radio Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua. Additionally, there are a number of smaller, independent radio stations which play classical music exclusively, such as Radio Clásica Nicaragua. Despite its popularity among many Nicaraguans, classical music has faced challenges in recent years due to the economic and political instability of the country. However, dedicated artists and enthusiasts continue to work hard to keep this important cultural tradition alive.