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  2. Netherlands
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  4. opera

Opera music on the radio in Netherlands

Opera has a long and rich history in the Netherlands and continues to be a popular genre of music today. The Netherlands is home to several world-renowned artists and opera houses, making it a hub for classical music. One of the most well-known Dutch opera singers is the soprano Eva-Maria Westbroek, who has performed in leading roles in some of the world's top opera houses. Another prominent figure in the opera community is the tenor Marcel Reijans, who has also performed in numerous iconic productions around the world. The Dutch National Opera is one of the most celebrated opera houses in the world, known for its cutting-edge productions and performances by international artists. Additionally, the Dutch National Ballet provides beautifully choreographed performances to accompany the opera. Many Dutch radio stations play opera music, providing access to the genre for listeners across the country. Some of the most popular radio stations playing opera in the Netherlands include Radio 4, which plays classical music of all kinds, and Radio West, which focuses specifically on opera and classical music. Overall, the opera genre remains an important and beloved part of Dutch culture, with many talented artists and institutions dedicated to its continued success.