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  4. rap

Rap music on the radio in Namibia

Rap music is a growing genre in Namibia, with many talented artists gaining popularity nationwide. It is a diverse genre with different styles that appeal to different audiences. Namibian rap music is inspired by international rap icons but with an added touch of unique Namibian flavor. One of the most popular Namibian rap artists is Jericho. Jericho has been active in the Namibian music scene since 2012, and has released several projects including his debut album "Inauguration". His lyrics revolve around social and political issues, which have earned him a significant following in the country. Other popular rap artists include Lioness, and KK. These artists have gained a reputation for their unique flow and outstanding stage performances. The growth of rap music in Namibia has been propelled by radio stations that are eager to showcase local talent. Some of the most popular radio stations that play rap music in Namibia include Energy100FM, NBC Radio and Khomas FM. These radio stations have created platforms for Namibian rap artists to gain exposure across the country. Energy100FM is one of the most popular radio stations in Namibia, and it is renowned for playing the latest rap music. The station has featured several Namibian rap artists, thereby promoting the growth of the local music industry. NBC Radio also plays Namibian rap music regularly, particularly on shows that focus on local music. Khomas FM, which is based in Windhoek, plays popular rap music on its shows potentially extending the reach of local artists in the country. In conclusion, rap music is rapidly gaining popularity in Namibia, and the country is home to several talented artists. They have kept on creating music that addresses pressing social, political and economic issues in the country. The growth of local radio stations like Energy100FM, NBC Radio and Khomas FM has also contributed significantly to the growth of the Namibian rap music industry.