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  4. funk

Funk music on the radio in Namibia

Funk music is a popular genre that has taken hold in the vibrant music scene in Namibia. It is characterized by its energetic rhythm and beats, typically played by bass guitars, drums, and keyboards. While the genre has its roots in the United States, Namibia has put its own spin on the music with unique African rhythms. One of the most popular funk artists in Namibia is Gazza, who has been instrumental in the growth of the genre in the country. He has recorded several hits that have made him a household name in the country, with some of his most famous songs including "Shupe," "Chelete," and "Ongamira." Gazza has collaborated with several other artists, both in Namibia and abroad, helping to spread the funk sound beyond Namibian borders. Another top contender in the funk industry is Tequila, whose unique sound has earned her a steady following. With her soulful voice and deft guitar skills, Tequila has made a name for herself in the Namibian music industry, with popular tracks like "Nothin' But Good Loving" and "Sunny Side Up." Several radio stations in Namibia are dedicated to playing the best in funk music. One of the most popular is Fresh FM, which can be found on 102.9 on the FM dial. The station has a diverse range of programming, including a specialist funk show that plays tunes from both local and international artists. Another great place to hear funk music in Namibia is UNAM Radio, which is operated by the University of Namibia. The station features a variety of music genres, including funk, and is dedicated to supporting local talent in the country. In conclusion, funk music has established a firm footing in the Namibian music industry, and continues to grow in popularity. With artists like Gazza and Tequila leading the way, and radio stations like Fresh FM and UNAM Radio providing a platform, there is no doubt that the genre has a bright future in Namibia.