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  4. rap

Rap music on the radio in Morocco

Rap music has become increasingly popular in Morocco over the past decade, particularly among young people in urban areas. While the genre was initially met with some resistance due to the explicit and confrontational nature of the lyrics, it has since gained widespread acceptance and is now a significant part of the country's music scene. Some of the most popular Moroccan rappers include Muslim, Don Bigg, and L'Haqed. Muslim is known for his socially conscious lyrics and politically charged message, while Don Bigg has gained a reputation for his raw, unfiltered style. L'Haqed, on the other hand, is known for his outspoken criticism of the Moroccan government and societal norms. Numerous radio stations across Morocco play rap music, with some dedicating entire shows to the genre. Radio Aswat, for instance, has a show called "Street Art" that focuses on underground Moroccan hip-hop and rap culture, while Hit Radio broadcasts a daily show called "Rap Club" that features interviews with prominent Moroccan rappers and highlights new releases in the genre. Despite its growing popularity, rap music in Morocco still faces some challenges. Some conservative elements within Moroccan society view it as a negative influence on young people, and there have been occasional crackdowns on rap concerts and performances by government authorities. Nonetheless, Moroccan rappers continue to push the boundaries of the genre and use their music as a platform to express their views on social and political issues.