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Alternative music on the radio in Luxembourg

The alternative music scene in Luxembourg is thriving, with a number of talented artists pushing the boundaries in the genre. From punk to indie rock to electronic, there is no shortage of variety when it comes to alternative music in Luxembourg. One of the most popular alternative bands from Luxembourg is Mutiny on the Bounty. This post-hardcore band has gained a significant following both in Luxembourg and internationally, with their high-energy live shows and muscular, technically proficient music. Another local favourite is Versus You, a punk band with a pop sensibility that has released several albums and toured extensively throughout Europe. In addition to these more established bands, the alternative music scene in Luxembourg is bolstered by a number of up-and-coming artists. For instance, All Reels, an electronic duo, have begun to make waves with their experimental, atmospheric sound. Other notable artists on the scene include Sleepers' Guilt, a prog-metal band with a socially progressive message, and Francis of Delirium, a lo-fi indie rock band with deeply personal lyrics. When it comes to radio stations, alternative music is well-represented in Luxembourg. Radio ARA is one of the most important local stations, broadcasting a range of programs that span a wide variety of styles and genres. They regularly feature alternative music, with programs like "Gimme Indie Rock" and "Loud and Proud" devoted to showcasing the latest and greatest in alternative sounds. Other radio stations that play alternative music in Luxembourg include Eldoradio and RTL Radio. Overall, the alternative music scene in Luxembourg is a vibrant and dynamic community, with a wealth of talented artists and plenty of support from local radio stations. Whether you're a fan of punk, electronic, or anything in between, there is sure to be something for you in the thriving alternative music scene of Luxembourg.