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  2. Ivory Coast
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  4. pop

Pop music on the radio in Ivory Coast

Pop music has become increasingly popular in Ivory Coast, with a number of talented artists emerging on the scene. One of the most popular pop artists in the country is DJ Arafat, who was known for his energetic dance moves and catchy beats. Sadly, he passed away in 2019, leaving a big void in the music industry.

Other popular pop artists in Ivory Coast include Magic System, who have been making music since the late 1990s and are known for their high-energy, danceable tunes. Meiway is another well-known pop artist, known for his blend of African rhythms and Western pop influences.

Radio stations that play pop music in Ivory Coast include Radio Nostalgie, which plays a mix of classic and contemporary pop hits, and Radio Jam, which features a mix of local and international pop music. Radio CI FM is another popular radio station that plays a variety of pop music, as well as other genres such as hip-hop, R&B, and reggae.