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  4. jazz

Jazz music on the radio in Ireland

Jazz has a strong presence in Ireland's music scene, with many talented musicians and numerous venues dedicated to showcasing the genre. The music has a rich history in the country, with jazz festivals taking place annually in Dublin and Cork.

One of the most well-known Irish jazz artists is saxophonist Michael Buckley, who has performed with renowned musicians such as Peter Erskine and John Abercrombie. Other notable artists include guitarist Louis Stewart and pianist Conor Guilfoyle.

There are several radio stations in Ireland that play jazz music, including RTE Lyric FM, which is dedicated to classical and jazz music. Jazz FM Dublin and Dublin City FM also feature jazz programming, as do some of the larger commercial stations such as FM104 and 98FM. These stations often showcase a mix of traditional and modern jazz styles, providing listeners with a diverse range of sounds and artists to enjoy.