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  4. funk

Funk music on the radio in Indonesia

Funk music has a dedicated following in Indonesia, with its unique blend of rhythm and melody attracting fans across the country. The genre is known for its danceable beats, soulful vocals, and funky basslines. Among the most popular funk artists in Indonesia is Maliq & D'Essentials, who have gained a large following with their soulful sound and catchy hooks. Their hit songs include "Untitled," "Dia," and "Pilihanku." Another popular funk artist is Tulus, who has released several successful albums and singles, including "Pamit," "Monokrom," and "Sepatu."

There are several radio stations in Indonesia that play funk music, including Hard Rock FM, which has a dedicated funk program called "Funky Town." Other stations that play funk include Trax FM, I-Radio FM, and Cosmopolitan FM. These stations often feature both local and international funk artists, providing a diverse range of funk music for fans to enjoy. Overall, the popularity of funk music in Indonesia shows no signs of slowing down, with a vibrant and passionate fan base that continues to grow.