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Country music on the radio in India

India is a country that is well-known for its diverse music culture. Although country music may not be the most popular genre in India, it still has a significant following among people who enjoy listening to songs that convey emotions of love, heartbreak, and life on the farm. Country music in India typically blends traditional Bollywood music with the unique sounds of western guitar and harmonica to create a soothing and emotional listening experience. Some of the most popular country music artists in India include the likes of Sampreet Dutta, Arunaja, and Pragnya Wakhlu. Sampreet Dutta, a talented musician from Kolkata, is known for combining classical Indian music with modern western guitar tunes. Arunaja, on the other hand, is a self-taught musician who rose to prominence by performing at several local gigs and now has a substantial following on social media. Pragnya Wakhlu is a self-confessed country music addict who plays a mix of country, blues, and rock tunes on her guitar. When it comes to radio stations, there are a few stations that cater specifically to the country genre. One such station is Big FM, which broadcasts country music shows in a number of cities across India. Another popular radio station that plays country music is Radio City, which features a range of country music shows that cater to various tastes in the genre. All in all, country music in India is a unique genre that blends the sounds of traditional Indian music with the western elements of country music. Its popularity may not be mainstream, but there are still plenty of country music fans in India who enjoy the genre's musical offerings.