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  2. Ghana
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  4. country

Country music on the radio in Ghana

Ghana, a small West African country, has a rich and diverse music scene that includes traditional and modern genres. One of the lesser-known genres in Ghana is country music, which has a growing following among music enthusiasts.

Country music is a genre that originated in the southern United States and is characterized by its unique blend of folk, blues, and gospel music. It has since spread across the world, and Ghana is no exception. The country music scene in Ghana is still relatively small, but it is steadily gaining popularity.

Some of the most popular country music artists in Ghana include Kofi Ghana, Kobby Hanson, and Kwame Adinkra. These artists have been instrumental in promoting the genre in Ghana and have gained a considerable following.

One of the radio stations that play country music in Ghana is Accra-based FM Station, Y107.9FM. The station plays a mix of contemporary and classic country music, which appeals to a wide range of music lovers. Other radio stations that occasionally feature country music include Joy FM and Citi FM.

In conclusion, country music may not be the most popular genre in Ghana, but it is definitely gaining momentum. With more artists emerging and radio stations featuring country music, it is safe to say that Ghana's country music scene has a promising future.