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  2. Cabo Verde
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  4. pop

Pop music on the radio in Cabo Verde

Cabo Verde, an island country off the coast of West Africa, has a rich musical tradition that draws from its diverse cultural influences. Pop music has become increasingly popular in Cabo Verde over the past few decades, and the country has produced a number of successful pop artists.

One of the most popular pop artists in Cabo Verde is Suzanna Lubrano. Born in the capital city of Praia, Lubrano has released several albums since the 1990s and has won numerous awards for her music, including the prestigious Kora Award. Her music is known for its catchy melodies and upbeat rhythms, often incorporating elements of zouk, a popular musical style in Cabo Verde.

Another popular pop artist in Cabo Verde is Mika Mendes, a French-born singer of Cabo Verdean descent. Mendes has released several albums that blend pop, zouk, and other musical styles, and has collaborated with a number of other popular Cabo Verdean musicians.

Radio stations in Cabo Verde that play pop music include RCV (Radio Cabo Verde), which has several different stations that feature different genres of music, including pop. There is also a growing number of online radio stations that cater to fans of Cabo Verdean pop music.

Overall, Cabo Verdean pop music reflects the country's unique cultural heritage and diverse musical influences, and continues to evolve and thrive in the modern era.