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Blues music on the radio in Brazil

The blues may have originated in the United States, but it has become a global phenomenon. Brazil is one of the countries that has embraced this genre with open arms. In this article, we will explore the blues genre music in Brazil and some of the most popular artists that have contributed to its growth.

The blues genre music arrived in Brazil in the early 1900s, and it was mostly played in the southern region of the country. The influence of African-American music on Brazilian culture was significant, and the blues was just one of the many genres that were embraced.

- Big Gilson: He is a Brazilian guitar player and singer who has been playing the blues for more than 30 years. He has released several albums, and his music is heavily influenced by American blues artists like B.B. King and Stevie Ray Vaughan.
- Nuno Mindelis: He is a Brazilian blues guitarist and singer who has been active in the Brazilian blues scene since the 1980s. He has released several albums, and his style is a mix of blues, rock, and Brazilian rhythms.
- Igor Prado Band: Igor Prado is a Brazilian blues guitarist and his band is recognized as one of the best blues bands in Brazil. They have played in several international festivals.
- Blues Etílicos: They are considered one of the pioneers of the blues genre music in Brazil. They have been active since the 1980s and have released several albums. Their music is a mix of blues, rock, and Brazilian rhythms.

There are several radio stations in Brazil that play the blues genre music. Some of the most popular ones are:

- Rádio Blues Club: This is an online radio station that plays blues 24 hours a day. They have a wide variety of programs, including interviews with Brazilian and international blues artists.
- Rádio Eldorado FM: This is a traditional radio station in São Paulo that plays a mix of blues, jazz, and Brazilian music.
- Rádio Inconfidência: This is a traditional radio station in Belo Horizonte that plays a mix of blues, jazz, and Brazilian music.

In conclusion, the blues genre music has a significant presence in Brazil, and it has been embraced by many Brazilian artists and audiences. With the help of radio stations and festivals, the blues genre music in Brazil continues to grow, and it is expected to become even more popular in the coming years.