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Folk music on the radio in Albania

Albanian folk music is a strong representation of the country's cultural heritage. It reflects the country's history, traditions, and the diverse influences of its neighbors. The genre has been passed down from generation to generation and has evolved over time, influenced by the country's turbulent history, including the Ottoman Empire and Italian occupation.

The traditional Albanian folk music focuses on themes of love, heroism, and the struggles of the people. The music is characterized by the use of traditional instruments, such as the cifteli, lahuta, and sharki, and features unique vocal styles, including the Albanian iso-polyphony. This style of singing involves multiple voices singing different melodies simultaneously, creating a haunting and mesmerizing sound.

Some of the most popular Albanian folk artists include Arben Llangozi, who is known for his soulful vocals and traditional instrumentals, and Eda Zari, who infuses contemporary sounds with traditional Albanian folk music. Other notable artists include Elina Duni, Aurela Gace, and Shkelqim Fusha.

There are several radio stations that play Albanian folk music, including Radio Tirana, which is the national public radio station of Albania. Other popular stations include Radio Dukagjini and Radio Emigranti, which cater to the Albanian diaspora around the world.

In conclusion, Albanian folk music is a valuable part of the country's cultural heritage, and the genre continues to thrive and evolve today. With popular artists and dedicated radio stations, the future of Albanian folk music looks bright.