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  1. Countries
  2. Indonesia
  3. East Kalimantan province

Radio stations in Balikpapan

Balikpapan is a coastal city located in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. The city is known for its booming oil industry and is one of the major economic hubs in the region. Balikpapan has a number of popular radio stations catering to the diverse needs of its inhabitants. One of the most popular radio stations in the city is Radio Swara Kalimantan, which broadcasts news, talk shows, and music in Bahasa Indonesia. Another popular station is KPFM Balikpapan, which plays a mix of Indonesian and international music.

In addition to music, there are several radio programs in Balikpapan that cover a wide range of topics. One of the most popular programs is "Ruang Diskusi," a talk show that discusses current events and social issues affecting the city and the region. Another program, "Sahabat Keluarga," focuses on family and parenting topics, providing advice and tips to listeners. For those interested in sports, there is "Lapangan Hijau," a program that covers local and international sports news and events.

Overall, the radio stations and programs in Balikpapan provide a diverse range of content to cater to the varied interests of the city's residents.