A very short time after Sultan FM started broadcasting, it succeeded in becoming a popular and listened radio station in Kahrman, Maraş and its districts. Sultan FM, the youngest radio in the world, started broadcasting on 01.09.1993 with a small walkman and a small transmitter. Shortly after it started broadcasting, it succeeded to become a popular and listened radio station in K.Maraş and its districts. Although there were nearly 30 radio stations in K.Maraş at that time, the public preferred Sultan FM, which had high quality broadcasting and powerful transmitters. Sultan Radio was instrumental in the recognition of many local artists, paving the way for them and breaking new ground in K.Maraş in making their voices heard. Sultan Radio, which shows that the radio is not just a music box with its educational and instructive broadcast line that hosts many artists, politicians, writers, poets and scientists on its programs, will continue to establish a throne in the hearts of its people with this broadcast policy, Sultan Radio owes this primarily to its listeners to its stable and disciplined broadcasting policy. SULTAN
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