Favorites Genres
  1. Countries
  2. Moldova
  3. Русское Любимое
  4. Bălţi district
  5. Bălţi
Русское Любимое - Бельцы - 103.9 FM

Русское Любимое - Бельцы - 103.9 FM

Русское Любимое - Бельцы - 103.9 FM is a broadcast Radio station. Our branch located in Bălţi district, Moldova in beautiful city Bălţi. Our station broadcasting in unique format of pop, russian pop music. Also in our repertoire there are the following categories musical hits, music, talk show.

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    • Address : Бельцы, Молдова
    • Phone : (+373 22) 737 - 446
    • Website:
    • Email: office@polidisc.md