Rádio Zoe is an independent project for spreading the word and love of God, its main objective is to make you enter into the presence of God, while you work, while you browse the internet, while you do your research or search for a word, a direction from God, and for those who don't know Him, get to know this wonderful God, and understand the true meaning of the Kingdom of God. Our radio is dynamic and open to all ministries that wish to publicize their work, whether professionals or "new talents", but united in a single commitment to spread the "Word of God" through music. Our target audience is you, who like good music and are tuned in to the greatest hits of the moment. Radio Zoe is in tune with music trends across the planet and the result could only be the one you hear. A family-oriented radio, with a dynamic, cheerful, contemporary and interactive style, with a broad vision of expanding the kingdom of God, experiencing the miracles, power and approval of the Lord Jesus every day. of that family.
Rádio Zoe
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