The first station in the city of Porto Velho - Rondônia of a community nature, Rádio Transamazônica FM always seeks the quality of transmissions, keeping in tune with the most modern equipment and always playing success first hand, simultaneously with the biggest and best radio stations in Brazil and the world.. With a current and dynamic language, Rádio Transamazônica FM is present at all cultural events in Porto Velho and has a promotional structure, a qualified and creative team, to bring its product closer to its partners, all framed by a programming of quality already consecrated as: Transamazônica in Forró where the presenter Francisco Calixto presents his listeners in the first hours of the morning with true Forró foot de serra that goes from Luiz Gonzaga to Jackson do Pandeiro, in the Breakfast with Henry Calixto, this program of interviews always bringing to an informal chat a guest linked to culture and matters of interest to the community, and thus Rádio Transamazônica 24 hours on air, maintains a veritable parade in its daily schedule with programs always focused on the reality of the community and providing services and bringing hours of entertainment and leisure to its faithful listeners.
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