Rádio Sousa FM or 104 FM is a Sousense radio station from Grupo Tico Coura, a conglomerate of local companies, which brings together Pró Campo, Papirossauros and Tico e Teca station. It all started in November 1989, when our founder of late memory, Francisco Coura de Sousa Tico Coura, turned on the transmitter with 250Wats and operating at a frequency of 97.9Mhz, the success story of Sousa 104FM began. In 1998 it went to 104.3MHz operating 2.2 kilos of power. Today, consolidated in Alto Sert o Paraíba, Sousa 104FM leads the entire region with a diversified program, thus satisfying the listening population of the entire region and now of everyone via the internet.
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