Radio Šírava first started broadcasting on the Internet /May 2013/. Broadcasting via FM started in November 2019, first in and around Michalovci. After a year of broadcasting, we have expanded our coverage and broadcast to more than 450,000 people from the following frequencies: 89.7 MHz – Michalovce and surroundings, 93.9 MHz – Michalovce and surroundings, 93.1 MHz – Košice and surroundings, 98.1 MHz – Humenné and surroundings, 98.1 MHz – Trebišov and surroundings The program structure of Radio Šírava is designed to reach as many listeners of the desired target group as possible. We play a format that could be classified as AC - Adult Contemporary with a target group of 25-50 years. Adult contemporary (AC) is a radio format that covers music of various genres from the 1970s to the present day. In terms of information, the program is focused primarily on the region and the surrounding area. 00:00 h – 06:00 h, NIGHT ON ŠÍRAVA 06:00 h – 09:00 h, END OF THE NIGHT (morning session focusing mainly on information from our region) 09:00 h – 12:00 h, ŠÍRAVSKÉ KORZO 12: 00 h - 14:00 h, SIESTA NA ŠIRAVE 14:00 h - 19:00 h, SCHICKOMÓZNÉ (afternoon session mainly focused on information from our region) 19:00 h - 20:00 h, JUMPER BOX (focused on music hits past to present years) 8:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m., EVENING AT ŠIRAVA 10:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m., NIGHT AT ŠIRAVA Thank you very much.
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