A radio that is more alive than ever, made up above all of voices, people who every day behind the microphones comment on the reality that surrounds us to the rhythm of music, with simplicity, immediacy and passion; so the songs and music mix with voices, sounds and noises, in a soundtrack that has been telling the province of Cuneo for 30 years now.. On 22 December 1976, the adventure of Radio Piemonte Sound began, one of the historic broadcasters in the Cuneo area: having survived the pioneering era, the station has also become a real point of reference in local communication and has further strengthened itself after the creation of the second network , Amica Radio, dedicated to a more adult target. Radio Piemonte Sound and Amica Radio are today a radio center of the highest level, which has not only established itself in terms of music and entertainment, but also as the voice of the provincial reality of La Granda.
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