The Star of the East Never has an Arab singer so marked the history of Arab song. Oum Kalthoum is a woman of character, power and influence. She has, with more than a hundred songs, totally - to the detriment of her private life - put all her assets at the service of Arab culture. She introduced the beautiful texts, a demanding poetry, an advanced literature in all the Arab cottages and beyond. From Ahmed Chawki to Ahmed Rami, she sang love in all its forms, the nation, nature, and human feelings in all their variations. Oum Kalthoum has also inspired the best Arab composers: Ryad Sounbati, Mohamed Abdelwahab, Baligh Hamdi, Zakaria Ahmed, Mohamed El Kasabgi, Ahmed El Mougi, etc. Oum Kalthoum is at the head of a monumental work that amply justifies a radio tribute dedicated to his art.
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