The radio is yours! The Community Radio must disseminate culture, social interaction and local events; report on community and public utility events; promote educational and other activities to improve the living conditions of the population.
In 1997, more than 15 friends got together to create an FM channel in Carmo do Paranaíba. These founded the Beneficent Cultural and Community Association of Carmo do Paranaíba - MG (Abecap) and sought with the Ministry of Communications to regularize the documentation of the future FM 'the radio'. Liberal FM is a Community Radio, which is a special type of FM radio station, with a range limited to a maximum of 1 km from its transmitting antenna, created to provide information, culture, entertainment and leisure to small communities. It is a small radio station, which will provide the community with conditions to have a communication channel entirely dedicated to it, opening up opportunities for the dissemination of its ideas, cultural manifestations, traditions and social habits.
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