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  1. Countries
  2. France
  3. Occitanie province
  4. Narbonne

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Ràdio Lenga D'òc

Born in 2003, Ràdio Lenga d'oc is an Occitan associative radio danced by the association Lenga d'oc - Lenga viva.. Born in 2003, Ràdio Lenga d'oc is an Occitan associative radio run by the Lenga d'oc-Lenga viva association. It is spread in the Narbonne and the Besierenc as many as 150 towns and villages. The transmitter broadcasts radio programs within a 40 km radius around Narbonne. From the studio at 10 Carrería Washington de Narbonne, we perform a musical program that is more Latin than ever but also a flurry of broadcasts spread over three sessions.

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