The Kašpar association built a radio studio in the premises of the Theater in Celetná - yes, that's right, Rádio Kašpar has launched an internet broadcast!!. We play music and invite guests according to our taste. No news about covid, traffic and weather - just good music and interesting guests. And your questions and our answers. The style and content of each block is entirely in the moderator's hands. The personality of each of us and the desire to play with a new format should be the basis of Radio Kašpar. Moderators: Lagner, Potměšil, Nerudová, Ondráček, Elsnerová, Zadražil, Halíček, Hofmann, Špalek, Slámová, Karger, Kreuzmann, Dočekal, Zoubková, Steinmasslová. Since January 2021, we have begun to distinguish between morning and afternoon live broadcasts in style - in the morning we emphasize energetic and positive music, in the afternoon guests and musical diversity. Nights (22.30 - 24.00) and weekend mornings (9.30 - 12.00) are new. On weekends, the following are guests here: Drama Studio Ústí nad Labem, Bezruči, West Bohemian Theater Cheb, Theater NaHraně.
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