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Rádio Inconfidentes FM

The Community Broadcasting Association for the Artistic, Educational and Cultural Development of Resende Costa (ACRADATEC-RC) is the association that coordinates and manages Inconfidentes FM radio, which will broadcast, from now on, its daily programming on the network world of computers, interconnecting and narrowing spaces and distances. Then begins a new stage in the life of our station. Rádio Inconfidentes FM, as a community broadcasting station, is an important vehicle for transforming society, bringing entertainment, knowledge, culture and knowledge to all social segments. This characteristic allows me to assure that Inconfidentes FM belongs to the people of Resende Costa, being an educational and reforming instrument that acts in the formation of the character of the resende-costense citizen, in addition to allowing leisure and fun, providing moments of deconcentration and also training . The truth is that Rádio Inconfidentes FM is already part of the life of our city and we can no longer live without it.

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