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  1. Countries
  2. Benin
  3. Littoral department
  4. Cotonou

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Radio Immaculée Conception

Radio Immaculée Conception (RIC) is the Catholic radio station of Benin. It is managed by the religious congregation of the Franciscans of the Immaculate, who animate it and run it 24 hours a day. Its purpose is to inform and train people in the light of the eternal and universal values ​​of the gospel. Cotonou: 98.7 Mhz Allada: 101.3 Mhz Abomey: 100.9 Mhz Dassa-Zoumé: 107.3 MHz Parakou: 93.3 MHz Bembéréké: 100.8 MHz Djougou: 89.1 MHz Natitingou: 93.1 MHz .

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