The youngest in the Amazon!. The Rádio WEB Gente Gospel, which belongs to Gente Gospel Comunicação & Marketing, directed by the couple Pastor Walmir and Ilma Gomes, has the main objective of bringing the message of the Word of God to Brazil and 180 other countries, through good quality evangelical music with lyrics in Portuguese or in other languages that speak of God's love when he gave his only son Jesus Christ to die for us. They are beautiful songs, spiritual or classics of international romantic music of good quality. Pastor Walmir was director of Radio Guajará FM, in Belém (Today, Liberdade FM), and presenter of the program Desafio Jovem on that radio station. Our thanks to the first volunteers for the foundation of Rádioweb Gente Gospel: Lucas Wilkerson, Juniel Moura and Lucas Designe.
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