Family Radio AM 820 KHz - Always with you! Today, Rádio da Família 820 AM occupies a prominent position among the most listened stations in the south/southwest of Minas Gerais and northeast of the state of São Paulo, covering an important region, where the coffee agribusiness and large industries play a fundamental role in the growth of region. And with the internet, absent Parisians, "radio maniacs" from the region and the world, listen to ours through our website. The history of radio in Brazil has one of the most important chapters experienced in São Sebastião do Paraíso with the founding of ZYA 4 – Rádio Difusora Paraisense. The year was 1939 and its founder The journalist Zezé Amaral (José Soares Amaral was his baptismal name) will remain in the memory of the people of Paraís, for his entrepreneurship and vision in those times. Rádio Difusora Paraisense is hors concours, since in the history of radio in our country, it was the breeding ground for great professionals who made careers in large capitals and left a legacy, respected until today by broadcasting lovers.
Rádio Família AM 820
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