Take the Gospel to all nations. We have to win souls for JESUS CHRIST, for that, many requirements are necessary, starting with the first and main one which is LOVE, because really to evangelize them, we must love them as JESUS taught us: “And this commandment we have from him: that whoever loves God must love his brother also” (1 John 4:21). It is a fact that love, always followed with JESUS CHRIST, overcomes barriers, problems, obstacles; since it was for love that the Father gave His only begotten Son, to save us and to give us eternal life (John 3.16). The Pentecostal Church Deus é Amor was founded on June 3, 1962, by the Missionary David Martins Miranda; since the date and denomination were revealed to the founder through the Holy Spirit. The ministry started with just three members: Missionary David Martins Miranda, his mother Anália Miranda and his sister Araci Miranda. It is known that very many souls are saved by the Lord, through this great work, in fulfillment of His promises to His servant.
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