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  3. Pará state
  4. Capanema

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Rádio Capanema

The oldest and most listened to border station!. Radio Capanema Ltda was founded in 1965, through the initiative of a group of businessmen, who, due to the difficulties experienced at the time due to the lack of communication, sought to implement a communication vehicle with easy access for the population and of great coverage. Thus, on July 25, 1965, Radio Colméia Ltda entered the air, operating on the frequency of 1560 KHZ, being the first Radio Station in the border region of Brazil and Argentina and one of the first in the Southwest of Paraná. On June 19, 1978, seeking greater identification with the local community, the station was renamed Radio Capanema Ltda. Its power is 1000 Watts in the Antenna. Its programming is focused on journalism, with critical and responsible action, covering topics of regional, state, national and international relevance.

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